Friday, December 10, 2010

Review: Tron: Legacy Soundtrack music by Daft Punk

I should start this off with a disclaimer, this is a film score, this is NOT a new Daft Punk album. People looking forward to this as an excuse to hear new music from the French house duo for the first time in over five years will be woefully disappointed. That being said, they are known for creating memorable house music, and Disney is known for creating sweeping memorable film scores. As film music goes, I think if enough people see the movie the song aptly titled "Overture" will be recognized on the level of the scores of recent big budget blockbusters, such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Star Wars films. The previously mentioned "Overture" makes several appearances throughout the soundtrack in different versions. As songs go they are mostly short, only a few of the 22 tracks clock in at over 3 minutes. Even the big seller of the soundtrack "Derezzed" comes in at a disappointingly short 1:44. Although the electronic aspects of the score are few the meat of the album is the sweeping music of an 85 string orchestra, bringing to mind Hans Zimmer, and other famous film composers. I am trying to be objective in looking at this as comparing this to other film scores and judging the music on its own merits, and failing miserably. If I hadn't been warned before listening to it that it was a film score, I would have given this a bad review or not even bothered to review it at all. All that side listening to the songs you get the sense of the scenes the music sets up even if you haven't seen the movie. It's sweeping,big, brooding, and dark. Here is hoping that the work the duo has put into this score gets them back in the studio to put out the genius and fun dance music they have made since the mid '90's. I give this album a score of 3 out of 5. - Keith
Daft Punk - "Derezzed"

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